Health Perks of Podiatry

Regardless of your age, there are some important health benefits to having your feet treated by a podiatrist. Whether you’re a new mom looking for a little relief from her growing pains, or a veteran athlete who needs to rehabilitate his injured feet, there are several reasons why you should seek out a podiatrist’s help.

podiatry AdelaideArthritis

Using podiatry, the symptoms of arthritis can be effectively managed. This autoimmune disease causes inflammation of the joint and leads to pain and stiffness. There is no known cure, but proper treatment can relieve symptoms and improve the quality of life.

A podiatrist is a physician who specializes in treating foot problems. They can diagnose arthritis in the foot and determine the best treatment for you.

Podiatry can provide pain relief and control symptoms of foot arthritis. They may recommend custom orthotic insoles or shoe inserts to reduce pressure on the joints. They may also provide padding to minimize friction.

Foot arthritis is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It can interfere with your everyday activities. If left untreated, it can lead to permanent damage to the foot. Fortunately, there are many non-invasive and natural treatments for foot arthritis.

A podiatrist can perform physical therapy exercises to strengthen muscles around the joints and to reduce the stress on the arthritic joints. Exercise can also help improve your joints’ range of motion and stability.

A podiatrist can recommend medication, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), cortisone injections, or creams that can be applied to painful joints. Cortisone is an effective anti-inflammatory agent that can be injected into the arthritic joint.

Surgery may be considered to remove bone spurs or to repair damaged joints. Surgery can also help to increase the range of motion and mobility. However, it is best to consult a podiatrist before undergoing surgery.

Growing pains

Almost 20% of children will suffer from growing pains at some stage. These aches are caused by a misalignment of joints and muscles further up the body. The term growing pains is often used interchangeably with foot pain, but they are not the same.

Pain in the legs is a common ailment among children. The pain may be felt in the back of the leg, on the front of the thigh or in the foot itself. The pain is most often felt in the afternoon or late at night.

When a child has a growing pain, they may be more sensitive to pain. The pain can be described as a throbbing ache. Children may feel pain when they stand, sit, jump, and have their feet tapped. They may also feel pain while watching TV or playing video games.

Children with growing pains have higher rates of headaches and abdominal pain. They are less likely to participate in sports. The pain may last for several months or even years.

If your child is experiencing growing pains, you should have them examined by a podiatrist. They can help relieve the pain and prevent future discomfort.

There are many foot and ankle problems that a podiatrist can treat. These issues include plantar fasciitis, flat feet, and diabetic foot ulcers. A podiatrist can also recommend stretches and exercises that can improve the function of your child’s feet.

Morton’s neuroma

Symptoms of Morton’s neuroma include numbness and burning in the ball of the foot. Depending on the severity of the condition, Morton’s neuroma can be treated through surgery, steroid injections, or wearing special shoes.

X-rays may be needed to confirm the presence of the condition. Some doctors will want to see an ultrasound or MRI to rule out other conditions.

Corticosteroid injections are another common treatment for Morton’s neuroma. These injections reduce inflammation and pressure on the nerve, and this treatment has some side effects. Some people experience skin depigmentation and damage to soft tissue around the neuroma.

The use of orthotics can also help relieve pressure on the nerve. These custom-made shoes will distribute weight evenly throughout the foot. These can be custom-made, prescription orthotics, or a combination of both.

Some people may choose to have surgery to remove the damaged nerve. This treatment will relieve pressure on the nerve but also require a period of recovery. The recovery period will depend on the treatment type and severity.

Other treatments provided by podiatry Adelaide include changing the footwear, reducing the strain on the neuroma, and stretching. Stretching can loosen tight tendons and ligaments. Changing to wider shoes can also provide immediate relief.

The use of ibuprofen or over-the-counter medications can help reduce pain and swelling. Patients are advised to avoid heavy strain on the foot for two months.

Achilles tendinitis

Having Achilles tendinitis can be an extremely painful condition. It can cause pain, inflammation, swelling and even a rupture. The symptoms will vary from person to person. It is best to see a doctor to assess your condition fully.

An MRI or ultrasound may be recommended for a more thorough diagnosis. These tests can provide clear pictures of your bones and help plan surgery.

Ice treatment can help reduce inflammation and swelling. Apply the ice pack to the affected area for 10-30 minutes. If the area becomes numb, discontinue treatment.

Surgical repair is the last resort. Achilles tendonitis can be treated with non-surgical methods, including massage, stretching exercises and shoe inserts. You may also be referred to a specialist orthopaedic surgeon.

Foot orthotics can also be beneficial in reducing the stress on the Achilles tendon. These orthotics elevate the heel during activities and help increase blood flow to the affected area.

A physical therapist will help you develop a routine when treating Achilles tendinitis. These exercises will strengthen your calf muscles and reduce the stress on the Achilles tendon.

A cortisone injection is another treatment that can reduce pain. These injections are usually administered in the doctor’s office and are given four times a year. These injections contain corticosteroid medication and a local anaesthetic.

A bunion is a build-up of bone deposits on the joint of your big toe. It can be painful and affect your quality of life. Bunions are common, and you should not ignore their symptoms. These symptoms may include pain while walking or standing, redness, swelling of the big toe, or even pain in other parts of the body.