Dental Implants Adelaide- The Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants Adelaide are a permanent way of replacing missing teeth. They can replace one or several teeth, offering a more natural smile and improved oral health. They are also a popular alternative to dentures.

Dental Implants Adelaide- The Benefits of Dental ImplantsThe first step of the process is a consultation with your dentist. It will include an examination of your oral health and jawbone density.


The cost is often a significant factor when deciding to undergo dental implants. However, it is crucial to consider the long-term benefits of these tooth replacements. Implants offer superior durability and function than dentures or bridges. They are also long-lasting as long as you accompany them it proper care.

Dental implants are popular as the gold standard for replacing missing teeth and can replace a single tooth, several teeth or even an entire arch of teeth. They are considered the best solution for tooth replacement as they mimic natural teeth look, feel and function.

The cost of dental implants can greatly vary depending on your dentist, treatment plan and location. For example, dental implants in significant cities are more expensive than those in rural areas. It is also essential to consider whether you have private health insurance that covers the procedure. Some insurers include implants as part of their comprehensive dental coverage policies. Others offer separate plans for implants.


Dental implants are a great way to replace one or more missing teeth. They look natural and feel more comfortable than other tooth replacement options. They are also effective in preventing bone loss in the jaw. In addition, they can improve your smile and help you eat more comfortably.

A dental implant is a titanium post that acts as an artificial tooth root. It is surgically inserted into the jawbone and provides a tough foundation for fixed or removable replacement teeth. For professional dental implants Adelaide services, click here.

The initial process for getting dental implants may involve a consultation with specialists, including a doctor who specialises in conditions of the mouth and jaw (oral and maxillofacial surgeon), a dentist who treats structures that support teeth, such as gums and bones (periodontist), and a dentist who designs and fits artificial teeth (prosthodontist). This appointment will involve taking dental X-rays and 3D images.


Dental implants can serve as a permanent tooth replacement solution considered safer and more reliable than other alternatives. They consist of a titanium screw fused with the jaw bone, supporting a customised artificial tooth. It makes them a natural-looking and more comfortable solution than bridges or dentures.

Aside from offering an attractive alternative to missing teeth, dental implants help prevent jawbone deterioration. The bone in the gap where a tooth is lost loses strength, and the jaw can deteriorate by 25% in just 15 years.

Implants are also easier to clean than other options. They can be thoroughly brushed and flossed like natural teeth, which helps keep them healthy. If you keep good oral hygiene, dental implants can last a lifetime. They also offer better value for money than other solutions. However, they are not suitable for everyone. A consultation is necessary to determine whether implants are the best option for you. For professional dental implants Adelaide services, click here.


Dental implants are permanent, fixed replacements for missing teeth that help restore oral function and improve your smile. They look, feel and work like your natural teeth, and they don’t slip like removable dentures.

The procedure for getting dental implants in Adelaide involves a consultation and an examination of the mouth and jaw to assess the amount of bone and gum tissue available for an implant. X-rays and impressions (moulds) are also taken of the tooth area to determine the best placement for the implant.


On the day of surgery, you will be given a local anaesthetic to ensure you are comfortable throughout the procedure. Once the implants are placed, they’ll be covered with a crown to complete the treatment and look like your natural teeth. With proper care, your dental implants can last a lifetime. They can also help prevent a sunken facial appearance and help to keep your remaining teeth from shifting position.

Dental fillings Adelaide: Dental Fillings

Tooth fillings are a dental procedure that restore damaged teeth to their standard shape and function. They also help prevent further decay and protect weakened teeth from further damage.

Dental fillings Adelaide: Dental Fillings Different types of tooth fillings carry varying costs, depending on the type of material used. The most common materials include composite resin, ceramic, and glass ionomer. For professional dental fillings Adelaide services, check this out.

Tooth-coloured fillings

Tooth-coloured fillings (or composite) are more natural-looking than silver amalgam fillings and are an excellent option for patients concerned about their smile’s appearance. This treatment is relatively non-invasive and can usually be completed in one appointment. After the affected tooth has been numb, we will remove any decay, and then the tooth-coloured composite resin will be placed in layers and cured with ultraviolet light.

The best thing about composite fillings is that they bond with the surface of your teeth, so you won’t have to worry about them affecting how you bite or chew. It is why they are also a good choice for closing gaps between teeth, repairing chipped teeth and changing the shape of your teeth to make them appear straighter or even.

Gold fillings are another option, but they are less commonly used, tend to be more expensive and require a two-visit process. Glass ionomer fillings are a more modern dental material made from a combination of glass particles, synthetic resin and a setting ingredient.

Amalgam fillings

Amalgam fillings are a mixture of metal alloys, including silver, copper, tin and mercury. They have been used for over 160 years and have a good record. However, amalgam use has decreased recently as the composite resin alternative has become more popular. For professional dental fillings Adelaide services, check this out.

Replacing your amalgam fillings is unnecessary unless you have specific concerns or health reasons. Some patients with amalgam fillings experience sensitivity around the tooth that has a filling, usually due to cracks underneath the filling.

Composite resin, also known as white fillings, is a more modern dental material bonded (glued) to your teeth. They are hard to tell apart from your natural teeth and can last 5-7 years. A small amount of your natural tooth has to be removed to place a composite filling. Composite fillings don’t conduct hot and cold as well as amalgam fillings, so they may need replacing more frequently.

Ceramic fillings

Ceramic fillings are made from a ceramic material that resembles a natural tooth structure. They are highly durable and resist staining. They are also kinder to your teeth, as they conserve more of the tooth’s healthy surface.

The procedure for a ceramic filling involves removing the decayed area of your tooth under local anaesthetic, cleaning and shaping the tooth before making the new ceramic restoration. It is then bonded in place with solid cement.

Ceramic fillings can be completed in one appointment, avoiding the need for moulds or a return visit. They are a safer alternative to amalgam replacement, as the ceramic is not prone to mercury leakage. They may, however, fracture more easily than composite resin fillings. Your dentist can advise you on the best restorative materials for your needs. For professional dental fillings Adelaide services, check this out.

Glass ionomer fillings

Glass ionomer cement (GIC) is a family of direct restorative materials characterized by solid adhesion to tooth surfaces, flexibility in physical features, and lower failure rates. They also exhibit a unique anti-carious action.

They consist of a fluoro-aluminosilicate glass powder and polyacrylic acid liquid. The acid-based chemical reaction causes displacement of ions from the dentin, and the resulting carboxylate groups form an electro-neutral bond with calcium in the enamel.

The result is a demineralization and remineralization process in the teeth, which strengthens the enamel, reduces surface sensitivity, and protects against further caries. GICs also release fluoride, which helps maintain the teeth and reduces the risk of tooth decay.

However, they are less durable than composite resin fillings and more prone to chipping. Therefore, they are typically used for temporary work and fillings below the gum line. They can restore baby teeth as a ‘healing’ base under stronger composites. If you want to learn more about the treatment options available to you, call us today!